Pasadena City College strives to serve students and non-students courteously, promptly, equitably, and in compliance with our policies and with state and federal laws. Processes and procedures are available to any student who reasonably believes that a College decision or action has adversely affected his or her status, rights or privileges as a PCC student. 

Student complaints are classified into three categories: 1) grade appeals; 2) complaints; or 3) discrimination complaints. The process for filing complaints that are not resolved at the campus level is also included.

Pasadena City College's grade appeal procedure, AP 4230, provides processes by which a dispute in the assigned final grade for a course may be resolved in a fair and efficient manner according to state law and due process. The procedure outlines both the informal consultation process and the formal grade appeal process. Grade Appeals are handled through the Office of Academic Affairs.

Individuals who are dissatisfied with a campus policy or procedure or with the conduct of a college employee are entitled to file a complaint. We encourage students and others to attempt to resolve the issue informally with college personnel. However, if there is not a satisfactory resolution, the complaint form should be completed and submitted.

Complaints are handled through the Office of Instruction OR the Office of Student Services.

Student conduct violations include any behavior that is not related to an allegation of cheating or plagiarism etc. Examples are alcohol/drug use, disruptive behavior, theft,& fraud, harassment, failure to comply etc. If you have questions about whether a behavior is considered a violation please contact the Dean of Student Life at

Report Harassment and Discrimination

Employees, students, and other members of the PCC community are encouraged to file a report with the District regarding incidents of harassment or discrimination using the online report form linked below.

Discrimination on the basis of age, color, (dis)ability, ethnic group identification, gender expression, national origin, religion, or any other protected characteristic is strictly prohibited.

Sex-based harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, is also prohibited. Students and employees can report sex-based harassment to the Title IX Office. A criminal report concerning sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking may also be filed with Police and College Safety, or with local law enforcement by calling 911. For more information about sex-based harassment reporting and support options, go to

Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Report Form

Issues not resolved at the Campus Level

Most complaints, grievances, or disciplinary matters are resolved at the campus level. Issues that are not resolved at the campus level may be presented to the following:

  • The Accrediting Commission for community and Junior College (ACCJC) may be contacted through their website if your complaint is associated with the institution's compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards.
  • The California Community College Chancellor's Office may be contacted if the complaint is not related to compliance with the academic program quality and accrediting standards or if it involves unlawful discrimination. The Chancellor's Office has a page dedicated to this purpose.